CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical Syllabus 2023-24 | Free PDF Download

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical Syllabus 2023-24 has been designed with the objective of fostering a profound understanding of the experimental aspects of chemistry among students. It aims to equip them with the essential abilities and expertise to excel in their academic endeavors as well as in the practical applications of the subject. Through active participation in practical sessions, students have the opportunity to enhance their scientific inquiry skills, nurture a sense of curiosity, and establish a solid groundwork for future studies in chemistry and its associated disciplines.

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical Syllabus 2023-24

Volumetric Analysis08
Salt Analysis 08 
Content Based Experiment 06 
Project Work 04 
Class record and viva 04

Here’s a detailed practical syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Chemistry:

Note: Micro-chemical methods are available for several of the practical experiments. Wherever possible, such techniques should be used. 

A. Basic Laboratory Techniques

  1. Cutting glass tube and glass rod
  2. Bending a glass tube
  3. Drawing out a glass jet
  4. Boring a cork

B. Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances

  1. Determination of melting point of an organic compound.
  2. Determination of boiling point of an organic compound.
  3. Crystallization of impure sample of any one of the following: Alum, Copper Sulphate, Benzoic Acid.

C. Experiments based on pH

  1. a) Any one of the following experiments:
  • Determination of pH of some solutions obtained from fruit juices, solution of known and

varied concentrations of acids, bases and salts using pH paper or universal indicator.

  • Comparing the pH of solutions of strong and weak acids of same concentration.

Study the pH change in the titration of a strong base using universal indicator.

  1. b) Study the pH change by common-ion in case of weak acids and weak bases.
  2. i) Acetanilide ii) Di -benzalAcetone iii) p-Nitroacetanilide iv) Aniline yellow or 2 – Naphthol Anilinedye.

D. Chemical Equilibrium

One of the following experiments:

  1. a) Study the shift in equilibrium between ferric ions and thiocyanate ions by increasing/decreasing the concentration of either of the ions.
  2. b) Study the shift in equilibrium between [Co(H2O)6]2+ and chloride ions by changing the concentration of either of the ions.

E. Quantitative Estimation

  1. Using a mechanical balance/electronic balance. 
  2. Preparation of standard solution of Oxalic acid.
  3. Determination of strength of a given solution of Sodium hydroxide by titrating it against standard solution of Oxalic acid.
  4. Preparation of standard solution of Sodium carbonate.
  5. Determination of strength of a given solution of hydrochloric acid by titrating it against standard Sodium Carbonate solution.

F. Qualitative analysis

a) Determination of one cation and one anion in a given salt.

Cation : Pb2+, Cu2+ As3+, Aℓ3+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mg2+, NH4+

Anions: (CO3)2-, S2-, (SO3)2-, (NO2)-, (SO4)2-, Cℓ-, Br-, I-, PO3-4, (C2O4)2-, CH3COO-,NO3-

(Note: Insoluble salts excluded)

b) Detection of -Nitrogen, Sulphur, Chlorine in organic compounds.


Scientific investigations involving laboratory testing and collecting information from other sources.

A few suggested Projects

  • Checking the bacterial contamination in drinking water by testing sulphide ion
  • Study of the methods of purification of water
  • Testing the hardness, presence of Iron, Fluoride, Chloride, etc., depending upon the regional variation in drinking water and study of causes of presence of these ions above permissible limit (if any).
  • Investigation of the foaming capacity of different washing soaps and the effect of addition of Sodium carbonate on it
  • Study the acidity of different samples of tea leaves.
  • Determination of the rate of evaporation of different liquids Study the effect of acids and bases on the tensile strength of fibers.
  • Study of acidity of fruit and vegetable juices.

Note: Any other investigatory project, which involves about 10 periods of work, can be chosen with the approval of the teacher.

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Practical for the academic year 2023-24 covers a variety of experiments and tasks designed to introduce students to basic chemical principles, lab procedures, and safety measures. These hands-on sessions promote observation, analysis, and interpretation of experimental data, helping students solidify their grasp of chemical concepts and phenomena.

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