CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus 2023-24 | Free PDF Download

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus 2023-24 are released by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). For a better preparation, students must thoroughly go through the latest syllabus and marking scheme. Otherwise, students may be confused, from which part or chapter they should start first.

A PDF of the CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus 2023-24 is given below. So, directly download it and utilize for better study strategy. Students must always know, which chapters are more important and which chapter contain maximum marks. So, they will have the better idea to prepare for a better study plan.

A direct link to download CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus PDF is also provided below for the students. Also, you can visit to access full details about CBSE Curriculum.

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Course Structure 2023-24

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus has many parts so its important to know the subject-wise weightage for better preparation. Here’s the course structure with mark weightage for your better preparation.

1Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry7
2Structure of Atom 9
3Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties6
4Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure7
5Chemical Thermodynamics9
7Redox Reactions4
8Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principles and Techniques 11

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus 2023-24

Here’s a detailed structure of CBSE Class 11 Chemistry syllabus 2023-24:

Unit 1: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 

General Introduction: Importance and scope of Chemistry. Nature of matter, laws of chemical combination, Dalton’s atomic theory: concept of elements, atoms and molecules. Atomic and molecular masses, mole concept and molar mass, percentage composition, empirical and molecular formula, chemical reactions, stoichiometry and calculations based on stoichiometry.

Unit 2: Structure of Atom 

Discovery of Electron, Proton and Neutron, atomic number, isotopes and isobars. Thomson’s model and its limitations. Rutherford’s model and its limitations, Bohr’s model and its limitations, concept of shells and subshells, dual nature of matter and light, de Broglie’s relationship, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, concept of orbitals, quantum numbers, shapes of s, p and d orbitals, rules for filling electrons in orbitals – Aufbau principle, Pauli’s exclusion principle and Hund’s rule, electronic configuration of atoms, stability of half-filled and completely filled orbitals.

Unit 3: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Significance of classification, brief history of the development of periodic table, modern periodic law and the present form of periodic table, periodic trends in properties of elements -atomic radii, ionic radii, inert gas radii, Ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, electronegativity, valency. Nomenclature of elements with atomic number greater than 100.

Unit 4: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 

Valence electrons, ionic bond, covalent bond, bond parameters, Lewis’s structure, polar character of covalent bond, covalent character of ionic bond, valence bond theory, resonance, geometry of covalent molecules, VSEPR theory, concept of hybridization, involving s, p and d orbitals and shapes of some simple molecules, molecular orbital theory of homonuclear diatomic molecules (qualitative idea only), Hydrogen bond.

Unit 5: Chemical Thermodynamics 

Concepts of System and types of systems, surroundings, work, heat, energy, extensive and intensive properties, state functions. First law of thermodynamics -internal energy and enthalpy, heat capacity and specific heat, measurement of ΔU and ΔH, Hess’s law of constant heat summation, enthalpy of bond dissociation, combustion, formation, atomization, sublimation, phase transition, ionization, solution and dilution. Second law of Thermodynamics (brief introduction) Introduction of entropy as a state function, Gibb’s energy change for spontaneous and non- spontaneous processes, criteria for equilibrium. Third law of thermodynamics (brief introduction).

Unit 6: Equilibrium 

Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, dynamic nature of equilibrium, law of mass action, equilibrium constant, factors affecting equilibrium – Le Chatelier’s principle, ionic equilibrium- ionization of acids and bases, strong and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, ionization of poly basic acids, acid strength, concept of pH, hydrolysis of salts (elementary idea), buffer solution, Henderson Equation, solubility product, common ion effect (with illustrative examples).

Unit 7: Redox Reactions 

Concept of oxidation and reduction, redox reactions, oxidation number, balancing redox reactions, in terms of loss and gain of electrons and change in oxidation number, applications of redox reactions.

Unit 8: Organic Chemistry -Some Basic Principles and Techniques 

General introduction, methods of purification, qualitative and quantitative analysis, classification and IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds. Electronic displacements in a covalent bond: inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance and hyper conjugation. Homolytic and heterolytic fission of a covalent bond: free radicals, carbocations, carbanions, electrophiles and nucleophiles, types of organic reactions.

Unit 9: Hydrocarbons 

Classification of Hydrocarbons

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons:

Alkanes – Nomenclature, isomerism, conformation (ethane only), physical properties, chemical reactions including free radical mechanism of halogenation, combustion and pyrolysis.

Alkenes – Nomenclature, the structure of double bond (ethene), geometrical isomerism, physical properties, methods of preparation, chemical reactions: addition of hydrogen, halogen, water, hydrogen halides (Markovnikov’s addition and peroxide effect), ozonolysis, oxidation, mechanism of electrophilic addition.

Alkynes – Nomenclature, the structure of triple bond (ethyne), physical properties, methods of preparation, chemical reactions: acidic character of alkynes, addition reaction of – hydrogen, halogens, hydrogen halides and water.

Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Introduction, IUPAC nomenclature, benzene: resonance, aromaticity, chemical properties: mechanism of electrophilic substitution. Nitration, sulphonation, halogenation, Friedel Craft’s alkylation and acylation, directive influence of the functional group in monosubstituted benzene. Carcinogenicity and toxicity.

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Question Paper Design 2023-24

Remembering and Understanding: Exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, and answers. Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas2840
Applying: Solve problems to new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different way.2130
Analysing, Evaluating and Creating: Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support generalisations. Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria. Compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.2130
  1. No chapter wise weightage. Care to be taken to cover all the chapters.
  2. Suitable internal variations may be made for generating various templates. Choice(s):
  • There will be no overall choice in the question paper.
  • However, 33% internal choices will be given in all the sections.

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus 2023-24 PDF Download

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