Class 4 Study Materials PDF Free Download

Hello everyone, welcome to Your Mentor Guru study materials for class 4 all subjects. It includes subjects: English, Mathematics, General Science. You will get all the study materials, practise questions and answers, study tips, FAQS and many more here. The candidates can not only read all the study materials online but can also download it in pdf format.

Students can download class 1 all subjects syllabus from the given link –

Class 4 Subject-wise Study Materials PDF Free Download

English – Study Materials PDF Free Download

Mathematics – Study Materials PDF Free Download

General Science – Study Materials PDF Free Download

Study tips for class 4

Some of the most important study tips for study class 4 all subjects are as follows:
  1. Firstly and most important tips is that students should always think positive and should have willing to learn attitude.
  2. They should focus and engage in learning environment.
  3. Students should make and follow a study routine that helps in focusing in study daily.
  4. Creating a study friendly environment to focus on study.
  5. Study not only from the subject books but also from study materials.
  6. Always practise questions and answers to gain more knowledge.
  7. Always memorise the studied portion everyday to remember everything.
  8. Take help of the images and videos to study as it help in remembering better.
  9. Students can take helps of educational websites and apps for study materials.
  10. Take help of parents and teachers whenever needed.

Where can we get NCERT class 4 subjects book PDF?

Students can get the class 4 subjects book PDF from the NCERT website. You can view the all subject books online or can download it in PDF form. Here are the steps to follow to download the NCERT class 4 all subjects book PDF:
  1. Visit the website –
  2. Go down the page, you will see a list of categories. Click in the textbook section.
  3. On the textbook section, you will see e-book category. Click in e-book section.
  4. You will see a lists, where there is PDF(I-XII). Click on it.
  5. Now, you can select the class 4 from the list and the subject book which you want to download.
Your Mentor Guru is platform to help study with free PDF study materials that will help students to understand and study effectively. If you have query or suggestions regarding anything, don’t forget to comment. We will try to reach you as soon as possible.
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