Hello Aspirant, are you looking for best CSIR NET reference Books list 2023. Then, you are in the right place. Here, you get a list of each subject wise reference books list. You can not only see it online but can download the PDF format of the book lists. As you know, CSIR NET reference books play a crucial role in your preparation as they help you in guiding towards a result-oriented approach. If you try to see CSIR NET reference books list in the internet, you will get a lot of books name and you would be confused to start with. Here is a solution for you, we have selected few books according to the subject and also provide it, in the PDF free download format. Soon, we may also provide you the PDF format of each book too. This books lists are selected by the experts for your preparation of CSIR NET exam 2023.
As you know, CSIR NET exam is conducted for five subjects – Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science, Chemical Science and Mathematical Science. So, here we have provide you list of CSIR NET reference books for each subject. CSIR NET exam is basically for JRF and to check the eligibility of lectureship in different colleges and universities. So, it would be a easy exam to quality. You will need a lot of hard work and a precise preparation. So, these lists of books will provide you all the study materials required to quality the exam. But, along with it, don’t forget to practise sample question paper and solving previous years question papers too.
CSIR NET Books list PDF Free Download

CSIR NET reference Books list PDF can provide student a clear selection books list for each subject as it is suggested by our experts. These lists will give a clear idea for selection the correct choice. These books consists of all the necessary study materials according to your subject syllabus. Not only these, some books have simple explanation which will be easy to understand for your reference and many have all the relevant important that a candidates should know while preparation for the CSIR NET exam. These books are also updated time to time. So, don’t forget to get the latest version of the books for more clear cut information.
CSIR NET General Aptitude References Books lists
For the CSIR NET exam, the General Aptitude section is the Part A section of the paper. It usually contain 20 – 30 questions each of 2 marks and the number of attempting the question depend on the subject choice. It usually consists of topics like logical reasoning, quantitative reasoning, graphical analysis, analytical and numerical ability, and general awareness. Generally, there are many general Aptitude books for your preparation but here we have provided some of the recommended books list PDF. Just download the books list which are suggested by our experts.
- General Aptitude books list PDF free download – List of Books for General Aptitude paper
CSIR NET Best References Books List
For CSIR NET preparation, Part B and Part C consists of question based on the candidates subject selection. Usually, Part B contain 2 marks for each question and Part C consist of 4 marks for each questions. Each questions in both the sections are compulsory. As it the subjects based section of the paper, it is very important to select the best reference book for your preparation. Below, you will get a list of books according to their subject. Always remember that you should always choose books that cover the relevant syllabus for your specific subject. Here are some recommended books for your reference.
- Life Sciences books list PDF Free Download – Top Important Books for CSIR NET Life Science Paper
Chemical Sciences books list PDF Free Download – Top Important Books for CSIR NET Chemical Science Paper
- Physical Sciences books list PDF Free Download – Top Important Books for CSIR NET Physical Science Paper
Earth Sciences books list PDF Free Download – Top Important Books for CSIR NET Earth Science Paper
- Mathematical Sciences books list PDF Free Download – Top Important Books for CSIR NET Mathematical Science Paper
Always remember that studying from reference books will give you the subject based knowledge but along with it, you should study from study material, notes and important questions and answers. You can check out our best and high quality study materials, notes and important questions with answers pages for your references. It is also very important to practice previous years’ question papers and take mock tests to know about the exam pattern and for management of time. You can also practise sample paper to be more prepared. We have provide sample paper for your practise, don’t forget to check out.