NET Exam Patterns

Hello aspirant, as you know exam pattern are mostly different for most exam and depend on the type of exam. So, similarly NET exam have a different pattern. Let’s first start with CSIR NET Exam paper pattern.

CSIR NET Paper Pattern

As you know that NET Exam are conducted for checking eligibility for Lectureship and JRF. It is a computer based exam with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) paper. It generally consists of three part – Part A, Part B and Part C. All the sections of the paper are in the MCQs question which usually of maximum 200 marks. Exam duration is around 3 hours. The first section of the question paper is similar for each paper depend on the subject of choice. Generally CSIR NET Exam is conducted for 5 subjects – Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science, Chemical Science and Mathematical Science. In CSIR NET Exam, the is negative marking of 25% of the mark of the question for each wrong answer.

Part A – General Aptitude, which is common for each candidates. Each candidate have to answer 15 questions out of 20 questions. Each questions are for 2 marks.

Part B – It mainly carry two marks each and all questions are compulsory in this section. The number of question depend on the choice of the subject.

Part C – It is the most difficult section of the paper and generally carry 4 marks for each questions. Here, also all the questions are compulsory and number of questions depend on the choice of subjects.


The SET exam is conducted by each state to check the eligibility for Assistant Professor in their state. Each states have their own rules and conduct the exam every once a year. There is no negative marking in the SET exam.  This exam consist of two paper –

Paper I  includes 50 multiple choice questions. Each question are compulsory and consists of 2 marks each. The duration of the Paper I is about 1 hour. Paper I consist of general aptitude and teaching reasoning questions.  It is usually for testing general awareness of the candidates.

Part II includes 100 multiple choice questions consisting 2 marks each. All the question in the paper II are also compulsory. The duration for Paper II is of 2 hours. Paper II generally consists of questions from the candidates preference subject or major subject choice.

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